Beginner’s Crash Course to the Elastic Stack - Part 1/2 : Intro to Elasticsearch and Kibana

United States and Canada Virtual

Jan 29, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 AM

45 RSVPs

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In life, we are always in search of something. Whether we are in search of the meaning of life or the most delicious tacos in town, we heavily rely on search engines to get the answers.

You may already use apps such as Yelp, Uber, or Wikipedia on a daily basis. But did you know that these apps were built with Elasticsearch?

Elasticsearch is known as the heart of the Elastic Stack, which consists of Beats, Logstash, Elasticsearch, and Kibana. The Elastic Stack allows us to take data from any source, in any format, then search, analyze, and visualize it in real time.

If you are a developer who is looking to make data usable in real time and at scale, Elasticsearch and Kibana are great tools to have on your belt.

Join us for the first part of our Elastic Stack workshop series and learn about Elasticsearch and Kibana!

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is open to all developers with little to no experience with the Elastic Stack or those who could use a refresher.

By the end of this workshop, you will be able to:

  • understand a use case of Elasticsearch and Kibana
  • understand the basic architecture of Elasticsearch
  • perform CRUD(Create, Read, Update, and Delete) operations with Elasticsearch and Kibana

Beginner's Crash Course to the Elastic Stack is a series of workshops. If you want to continue with your learning, sign up for the second workshop of the series! 


  • Olivia Petrie


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