Beginner's Course - Part 2/2 Understanding the relevance of your search with Elasticsearch & Kibana

United States and Canada Virtual

Feb 5, 2021, 12:00 – 12:45 AM

46 RSVPs

About this event

Raffle winner: Alykhan Virani (raffle link)

Join here:

“I love it when my search engine retrieves irrelevant search results,” said nobody ever.

Getting fast and relevant search results at scale is key to providing a great search experience to your users. Elasticsearch is a powerful search and analytics engine designed to do just that!

Join this workshop to:

  • learn how Precision and Recall are used to measure how well Elastic search engine is searching
  • understand how to improve Precision or Recall of your search in Elasticsearch
  • master how to send search queries from Kibana to Elasticsearch to finetune Precision or Recall of your search results

Who is this workshop for?

This workshop is open to all developers with little to no experience with the Elastic Stack or those who could use a refresher.

Before joining the workshop:

This workshop is the second workshop of the Beginner’s Crash Course to the Elastic Stack series. We will be building on top of the first workshop(Intro to Elasticsearch and Kibana) of this series.

If you haven’t attended the first workshop, be sure to check out these resources so you are ready to go!

Don’t miss out. Sign up NOW! 


  • Olivia Petrie


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