Women in Security Elastic Summit: Applied Machine Learning to Cybersecurity

United States and Canada Virtual

Oct 20, 2022, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

28 RSVPs


About this event

Susan will introduce use cases of machine learning (ML) in cybersecurity, as well as the types of telemetry or feature data that's required for building ML for cybersecurity. She'll also introduce how we use ML in Elastic Security.

Presented by Susan Chang

Susan is a Principal Data Scientist at Elastic (of Elasticsearch), with previous ML experience in fintech, social, and telecom. She is also the founder of Quill Game Studios, and manages 10 long-term contributors there. You can find Susan speaking at conferences such as PyCons, Toronto ML Summit, and events like this one!

Register for the third session here.


  • Olivia Petrie


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