Tracking Option Trades with the Elastic Stack

United States and Canada Virtual

May 13, 2021, 8:00 – 8:30 PM

49 RSVPs

About this event

 Most option traders, favoring the sell side, have heard the famous quote, “Picking up pennies in front of a steam roller.” As a retail options trader, who favors selling options, understands the importance of tracking one’s trade performance. Doing this through standard brokerage platforms may be difficult and time consuming, especially if one is looking to do this for thousands of trades, verify their trade plan execution, and have this available visually in a single location. Pairing Elasticsearch, Kibana, and the Elasticsearch Python library, it is simple to create a Kibana dashboard to do just that and much more!


  • John Green

    Night Shift Development


  • Olivia Petrie


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