Seamless Monitoring with OpenTelemetry, ECK, and Kubernetes

United States and Canada Virtual

Jul 2, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

13 RSVPs

About this event

Join us on Tuesday, July 2nd at 9am PDT for a virtual meetup! Joseph Whiteaker will present 'Seamless Monitoring with OpenTelemetry, ECK, and Kubernetes' followed by a live Q&A.

Attendees who tune in to the live stream will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for an Elastic swag goodie bag.


Talk Abstract:

Seamless Monitoring with OpenTelemetry, ECK, and Kubernetes

In this talk, we'll cover:

  • Setting up Elasticsearch, APM Server, and Kibana on Rancher Desktop
  • Importance of monitoring and logging in modern applications
  • Benefits of using Elasticsearch in a multi-cloud environment

Link to Github

josephaw1022/ElasticApmSpike (


  • Olivia Petrie


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