Resilience through Design with Dr. Will Scott, IBM Master Inventor

United States and Canada Virtual

Feb 16, 2023, 6:00 – 7:00 PM

66 RSVPs

About this event

This month, the Blasticians ERG is celebrating Black History Month in various ways learning about and sharing amazing Black technologists and contributors. In this fireside chat with Dr. Will Scott and host Angelique Chappelle we are excited to share, celebrate and learn more about Dr. Scott’s amazing journey.

Inspired by learning models attempting to emulate the human brain, Software Architect Will Scott develops technologies that deliver inclusive, accessible experiences. His most notable invention — an approach for “Real-time On-Demand Auction Based Content Clarification” — discloses a system for dynamic content simplification to help individuals with diverse cognitive abilities.

Elastic’s source code promotes the sense of As YOU Are. We want to encourage you to bring your whole self to what you’re doing. We celebrate the achievements of black inventors and technologists while striving to understand, improve, and build empathy for the process required by many to get there. It’s the passion, creativity, and experiences that make you a unique asset to your team. In this interview, we will celebrate someone that brilliantly showcases this.

Zoom link:


  • Dr. Will Scott

    IBM Design - AI, Accessibility Technology & Innovation


  • Angelique Chappelle


    Program Manager, Marketing PMO


  • Olivia Petrie


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