Lessons Learned: Upgrading a 100 node ES Cluster from 1.7 to 7.x

United States and Canada Virtual

Apr 13, 2022, 6:15 – 7:15 PM


About this event

Lessons Learned: Upgrading a 100 node ES Cluster from 1.7 to 7.x


- Challenges faced with 1.7: Mapping explosion, large cluster state, high CPU usage, EOL

- Estimating the optimal cluster size keeping performance and cost in the mind

- Cluster provisioning using ECK on AWS EKS with separate hot and cold data tiers to save costs

- Designing settings and optimal sizes of indices, aliases, and shards

- Implementing rollover and Index Lifecycle Management

- Upgrading Java/Spring based microservices using spring-data-elasticsearch and retiring TransportClient

- Data Migration from on-prem ES to ECK based ES on AWS: Direct data migration instead of snapshot-restore approach

- Performance improvement measurements


Sri Dalta is an Elastic Certified Engineer, currently working as a Software Engineer at Egen. Working on Egen's Industrial IoT project for the last couple of years, he deals with Elastic eco-system on a daily basis, both from an Elastic Administrator and a data engineer's perspective. Apart from this, he has worked within modern distributed stack involving Kafka, data pipelines, microservices, containers, and AWS Cloud.

Yani Julian is currently working as a software engineer at Egen on distributed systems across multiple cloud platforms. Experienced with building microservices where Elasticsearch is the primary data store along with Elasticsearch cluster administration, monitoring and fine-tuning. Yani currently focuses on developing automatic tools to improve developer productivity.


  • Olivia Petrie


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