Implementing Secured File/Document Cracker using Elasticsearch

United States and Canada Virtual

Apr 6, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 PM


About this event

Implement a search API to allow typeahead search on files (pdfs, ppts, excel, txt, word etc.)

- Index and shard design for file data

- Design file indexing pipeline

- Using ingest node with ES attachment processor to crack documents and load them in Elasticsearch

- Handling files that contains sensitive information and hence cannot be stored in ES as plain text.


Praveen Chandrasekaran: Data Engineer @ Egen - Praveen is currently working as a Data Engineer at Egen. Worked on projects involving in development of Universal Search Feature using Elasticsearch, Event-driven analytics and aggregation pipeline, MLOps Pipeline and data migrations.

Vatsal Parekh: Software Engineer @ Egen - Vatsal currently working as a Software Engineer at Egen. Worked on projects involving the development of Universal Search Feature using Elasticsearch, Event-driven analytics and aggregation pipeline using microservice architecture and Kafka, and Restful Apis


  • Olivia Petrie


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