Detecting the Unusual: Elastic Stack Machine Learning for Log Analysis in .NET

United States and Canada Virtual

Feb 7, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

15 RSVPs

About this event

Join us on Wednesday, February 7th, at 10:00 am CST for a virtual meetup! Merwan Chinta will be presenting 'Detecting the Unusual: Elastic Stack Machine Learning for Log Analysis in .NET'. Attendees who tune in to the live stream will have the opportunity to enter a raffle for an Elastic swag goodie bag.


Talk Abstract: 

Detecting the Unusual: Elastic Stack Machine Learning for Log Analysis in .NET

While Elastic Stack is widely recognized for its search capabilities, its potential extends into the area of proactive monitoring and anomaly detection. This talk will offer a way to utilizing Elastic's machine learning features for identifying and analyzing anomalies across application logs. Participants will gain insights into setting up and managing Elastic Stack for log ingestion, configuring machine learning jobs in Kibana, and interpreting the outcomes to detect operational deviations in real-time.

The discussion will cover the technical setup, followed by a demonstration of anomaly detection, highlighting how unexpected patterns and issues can be surfaced and needs to be addressed.

This talk is designed for system administrators, developers, and IT professionals looking to enhance their applications' observability and operational intelligence using Elastic Stack.


  • Merwan Chinta


  • Olivia Petrie


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