Achieving Mission Outcomes with Elastic Security

United States and Canada Virtual

Feb 23, 2022, 7:00 – 8:00 PM



About this event

Elastic Security is the foundation of modern security teams. Using Elastic Security as your SIEM empowers you to gain the visibility needed to keep your security operations running efficiently and with the right level of context — prompting smarter, faster security decisions that help protect the business.


- Gain holistic visibility: Include high-volume data sources and historical data in your monitoring

- Get security insights, fast: Crush alert fatigue with high-fidelity, prioritized correlations

- Find unknown threats: Leverage unsupervised and supervised machine learning to detect malicious activity

- Streamline SecOps workflows: Uplevel SIEM usability with Elastic

- Security’s interactive workspace to detect, respond to, triage, investigate, and resolve cases with ease


  • Olivia Petrie


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