Elastic Bangkok Meetup – September 2022 (In-person)


Sep 22, 2022, 10:30 AM – 12:50 PM

22 RSVPs

Beginner FriendlyElastic Stack

About this event

Hello Elastic Fantastics, 

We are excited to start in-person meetups in Thailand again and looking forward to seeing you soon. Please join us for an interesting talk on a use case of Flow Account and a talk on how the new Elastic 8.X could help you solve issues. The event is followed by refreshments and networking. 

*Please note masks are mandatory when indoors. The first 10 arrivals will receive cool Elastic T-Shirts!!!


5:30 pm - Doors open, say hi, grab a seat, eat some food, score some swag

6:00 pm - Wick Sri's talk “Lesson learned from Migrating 5.X to 8.X”

6:20 pm - Vorapoap's sharing on "Journey through the painful script and nested nightmare”

6:35 pm - Shelly Yao's talk "Discover Elastic 8.x : The best in the industry for you to find, analyze and protect your data" - followed by Q&A

7:00 pm - Networking & refreshments

7:50 pm: Event ends

Talk Abstract:

Wicky Takkar - Lesson learned from Migrating 5.X to 8.X

You may be surprised to see clusters implemented in old versions of Elastic Search! You may ask “Why?”. It is just a matter of time, migration will happen very soon, and those clusters will move to more recent versions. Unfortunately, it is not easy because the upgrade needs to manage the possible impacts on the systems using the clusters (without having a negative impact on the business). In this talk, Wick will be sharing experiences and lessons learned from migrating the ELK stack from 5.x to the latest version 8.x.

Vorapoap Lohwongwatana - Journey through the painful script and nested nightmare

The suffering of developers and loss of users' trust are inevitable, when the design is neither optimized nor fit the tool you use. Learn from the experience of giant e-commerce where painless script became so painful and nested structure was a performance nightmare.

Shelly Yao - Discover Elastic 8.X : The best in the industry for you to find, analyze and protect your data

In this talk, Shelly will walk you through the exciting new capabilities and updates in Elastic 8.x that now enable you to create seamless search experiences faster and with greater flexibility. She will share how Elastic has expanded visibility into high-volume, highly distributed cloud-native services.


  • Wicky Takkar

    Flow Account


  • Shelly Yao


    Principal Solutions Architect

  • Vorapoap Lohwongwatana

    24 FIX

    Director of Tech and Product


  • Kawnish Panse


    Community Programs Specialist

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