[Virtual] Faster Java Apps with Open Source APM


Feb 26, 2020, 4:30 – 5:30 AM


About this event

In light of the Covid-19 situation in the region, we will be hosting a virtual meetup. We hope you can join us!

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This is a virtual meetup occurring at 12.30PM Taipei Time / 10:00AM India Standard time (Please use the timezone calculator to find out your local time).

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Invite: https://elastic.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_TRIi2NUqTpqeMJOgPFVwAA

Topic: Faster Java Apps with Open Source APM

Slow applications are no fun. Application performance monitoring (APM) makes tracking down issues problems much easier. But which tools should you use?

With the release of Elastic APM, there’s a new option. Language server and Java client is fully open source (Apache 2.0) so you can get started with any app.

Elastic’s APM was released some time ago, but it’s still a very fresh option for tracing performance problems in Java applications (and other runtimes as well). The basic platform is free so it should be a welcome change for Java developers used to spending huge bills on comparable hosted platforms.

It’s useful out of the box for tracing basics on web requests including:

- Request details

- Response time percentiles

- Transaction timelines

- Application errors and stack traces

- Individual code lines

- Distributed Tracing

It can also be used to track any custom span in any Java application to find out where time is being lost and users are being slowed down.

Speaker: Aravind Putrevu, Developer Advocate, Elastic

Aravind works at Elastic as a Developer Advocate and looks after Developer Relations function in India. He has experience working in Cloud Security and Financial Domains. He has interest in Search and Analytics, Security, IoT and Machine Learning. In his free time, he plays around with a RasPi or Arduino.


We are planning to run regular online meetups, scheduled in the Asia Pacific time zone. We welcome talks on any aspect of data exploration! If you are keen in presenting, just drop us a note or email us at meetups@elastic.co



Wednesday, February 26, 2020
4:30 AM – 5:30 AM UTC

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