Sydney Elasticsearch, Logstash & Kibana - Jan 2015 Meetup


Jan 19, 2015, 7:00 – 9:30 AM


About this event

As promised, we're back! Our first meeting for the year sees us at a new venue thanks to Bigcommerce, places are strictly limited to 70 so get your RSVP in ASAP.

Food and drinks will be provided by our gracious hosts so make sure you get in early for a bite to eat and a pre-presentation chat with the rest of the community.

Our first speaker for the evening is Leslie Hawthorn, Director of Developer Relations for Elasticsearch Inc, she leads Elasticsearch's community outreach efforts from their Amsterdam EU HQ. Leslie will be speaking about "The ELK Stack: Community State of the Union".

In this presentation, Leslie Hawthorn will review all matters related to the ELK stack and its community. We'll go over how to contribute to the Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana projects, where our users are, what they are finding most useful and how you can get more involved in the community. 

Our second speaker is the CMO and community manager at Cecilie Myhre is in a mission to share Elasticsearch knowledge and resources and is a Norwegian has-been, but now Australian who works from Norway!

Her talk will cover;

• Why hosted Elasticsearch?

• A few words on herding hundreds of Elasticsearch clusters

• Play and Foundation - you know, for sharing

Our third and fourth speakers are from our gracious hosts, Bigcommerce. 

Pawel Zawierzynski will discuss how Bigcommerce keeps data in sync with Elasticsearch and how their data indexing pipeline..  He'll also cover why Bigcommerce switched to Elasticsearch from MySQL and the path to success for their migration.

Ray Ward will cover managing relational data and aggregations.

Again, please don't forget to RSVP as seats are strictly limited!



Monday, January 19, 2015
7:00 AM – 9:30 AM UTC

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