Sydney - 6th August 2015


Aug 6, 2015, 8:00 – 11:00 AM


About this event

G'Day Everyone,

UPDATE - We're closing RSVPs for this event on Tuesday at 1800 so we can arrange catering.

We will open them again Wednesday for latecomers, but if you RSVP after tomorrow we may be a little light on food for you :)

Happy to announce that we have a meetup coming up for August with some great speakers already lined up!

Our first speaker is Dan Draper, CEO and Founder from Codehire and host of He's giving us "A Comparison of SQL to Elasticsearch: How SQL could drive you mad".

He'll touch on some of the history of Codehire and talk about their early implementations trying to do complex search in SQL, finishing with how Elasticsearch saved the day.

Nic Lim is a tech enthusiast and a SIEM / Security Engineer by profession and is presenting "Security Information Management solution using ELK".

He'll be taking us through some Security fundamentals and demonstrate how one can leverage the capabilities of ELK especially Kibana to build useful security dashboards.

If you're interested in giving a talk to the group,  whether it's 5 or 50 minutes, <a>please let me know</a> as we'd love to hear about your use of the Elastic family of products.

We're looking forward to seeing everyone there!




Thursday, August 6, 2015
8:00 AM – 11:00 AM UTC

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