Open Source Security Toolsets in 2018


Feb 12, 2018, 7:00 – 9:00 AM


About this event

• What we'll do
We're opening 2018 with a different spin as we welcome Elastic's very own Kevin Keeney from the US to talk Open Source security tool chains. If you're not thinking security in 2018, then this is the meetup to change your mind.

Kevin is a passionate advocate for cyber security, technology, and people. He has spent most of his career serving his community through various military, civil, nonprofit, and corporate initiatives, has volunteered with the Missouri National Guard for the past 16 years and currently serves as the Chief of Operations for MOCYBER(

We'll be having a discussion around;

o How open source augments and enhances traditional security models
o New ways of thinking about security including:
§ Intelligence driven operations
§ Threat hunting
§ Insider threats
o Open source tools sets such as RockNSM, CAPEStack, Bro, Wazuh etc

IT security was a massive headliner in 2017 and 2018 is off to a cracker of a start and looks to put 2017 to shame, so this topic should be on your radar, in your notebook, setup as constant calender reminders and written on the back of your hands, arms and legs.

We hope to see you there :D

• Important to know
Attendees to Elastic events agree to uphold our Code of Conduct -



Monday, February 12, 2018
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC

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