Farewell 2017


Nov 30, 2017, 7:00 – 9:00 AM


About this event

G'Day y'all,

We'll it's pretty sad to say that this will be the very last meetup....but only for 2017 ;) We have two awesome talks this month, and most importantly, neither of them are me.

The first talk is from two members of our community who have volunteered to provide a short presentation around modelling complex events in Elasticsearch using nesting data types.

They are John Costa and Arn Klammer, two members of the "Data Foundations" product team from AUSTRAC (an Australian federal government agency). Both have been delivering multi terabyte solutions for the past 20+ years across telecommunications and banking sectors.
Most recently they have been working on rebuilding their agency's core data processing pipeline (leveraging Spark and Kafka). They have placed elasticsearch at the end of this pipeline as a tool to search and analysis.

They will present the knowledge that they have gained from configuring Elasticsearch for their specific use case, in a generic way that others could use for modelling their complex events.

Next up is our very own Nicolas Ruflin, part of the Beats team, who's visiting us for a holiday from his native Switzerland. That's right folks, Nicolas is taking time out of his Aussie holiday to tell us about some awesome things. He's that awesome it's awesome+2^32-1 :D

His talk will give us a quick introduction in Elastic Beats, using Docker. It follows a deep dive into how Filebeat and Metricbeat can be used to get your logs and metrics out of Docker and the services running on Docker.

A big thanks fo Pivotal for providing the venue for this month's meetup. If you were at the event hosted by Spaceship, it's the same building but a different floor.

Both of these promise to be technically rewarding talks across two different subject areas, so make sure you RSVP soon!


Mark and the Elastic Team



Thursday, November 30, 2017
7:00 AM – 9:00 AM UTC

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