Elasticsearch with .NET: Workshop


Jul 28, 2016, 10:30 PM – Jul 29, 2016, 3:00 AM


About this event

G'Day Everyone,

We have a super dooper, amazingly special workshop coming up this month for all our local C#/.Net fans. Full details below!

Russ Cam (@forloop) and Martijn Laarman (@mpdreamz), two Elastic engineers that work on all things Microsoft at Elastic, are both in Sydney for the NDC conference at the start of August and so we are taking the opportunity to do something for the local .NET community. 

They will be running a free half-day hands-on workshop on Elasticsearch with .NET, providing instruction as well as materials to follow along with, focusing on building out an example web application that utilizes Elasticsearch, to provide;

• Autocompletion across a catalogue of items via a single search bar interface

• Aggregations for faceted information about a catalogue

• Paging through a catalogue  

As part of this, they'll be discussing indexing, mappings, aliases and analysis, as well as touch on the Query DSL and Aggregations. In addition, attendees are more than welcome to also ask any technical questions related to Elasticsearch as well :)

If you've never used Elasticsearch with .NET then it would be a good introduction and, if you are already familiar, there's likely to be a few nuggets of wisdom to take away too.

Attendees will need to bring;

• A laptop with Windows and a version of Visual Studio 2015 installed. A free community edition is available

• Java 8 JDK installed

• Elasticsearch 2.3.4 downloaded

• Git installed and a Github account set up

• Questions :D

Refreshments and lunch will be provided.

Please - only sign up only if you can make it, and if you do get a space and later can't make it, release your space for someone else to attend.

Spaces are very limited and will be allocated on a first come, first serve basis.

We look forward to seeing you there!


Russ, Martijn and the Elastic AU Team



July 28 – 29, 2016
10:30 PM – 3:00 AM UTC

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