Elastic{ON} 2018: The Recapathon


Apr 12, 2018, 8:00 – 10:00 AM


About this event

Elastic{ON} 2018 was an amazing few days of technology and community with talks from our engineers, product managers, CEO, customers and more. You can definitely sit down and watch the many, many hours of recorded talks, but we have an express summary coming from our engineers building the products right to you!

With SQL for Elasticsearch, Canvas in Kibana, more service discovery in Beats, new APM features and so more! We'll touch on Swiftype, Elastic Cloud Enterprise, upcoming geo layers and, if you've ever wanted to become an Elastic Certified Engineer, then you won't want to miss this night.
There's also one super amazing announcement we made that totally changes the direction of where the Elastic Stack is going. You may have seen the blog post (hint hint), but we'll be ready to have a chat about it and dig into the details. If you haven't heard it yet, then you will be in for a real surprise :)

Our awesome hosts for the evening will be Optiver, right in the middle of the CBD with their awesome venue.

We hope to see you there!

The Elastic ANZ team



Thursday, April 12, 2018
8:00 AM – 10:00 AM UTC

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