Elastic / Codewars Academy meetup mashup

South Africa

Nov 26, 2020, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

35 RSVPs

About this event

Finding relevancy: Improving your application search bar!

You may have heard, that you 'just' need to add a search bar to your application and people will use that input field the moment it is added. Well, not so fast! Coming up with a google like search experience is not an easy task! Finding the right balance between ease-of-use, relevancy for your users, relevancy for your platform, usability, precision, recall, scoring, keeping the quality and the ability for your users to make sense of those search results will quick evolve into a ongoing task.

Understand everything you need to know about your application in minutes.

Visibility of the overall performance of your application is critical to maintaining good credibility, turning clicks into sales, and ensuring that you are able to remedy any issues at the speed of thought! Elastic Observability can get you from having absolutely no understanding of your systems resource usage and performance patterns, to a full view of all contributors to your application's performance in a matter of minutes. In this demo you will learn how to add logs, metrics and especially APM data collection to your application by leveraging Elastic Cloud and easy to implement and manage Beats and APM libraries. No matter what language you program in, or what your system landscape looks like, you will get benefit from this demo.



Thursday, November 26, 2020
4:00 PM – 5:30 PM UTC


Intro__7.10 release update
Finding relevancy: Improving your application search bar!
Adding complete observability to a Django app


  • Timothy Brophy


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