Search Meetup Munich - September Edition


Sep 12, 2019, 4:30 – 8:00 PM


About this event

The Munich Search Meetup is all about search technologies. This is the 30th meetup, fourth one in 2019! The fine folks at PAYBACK are going to host us again, super central again right next to Schwanthalerhöhe!


18:30 - 19:00 Gathering, drinks and food
19:00 - 19:45 Tips & Tricks when using the Elastic Stack, Open Tracing and Jeager Tracing for monitoring distributed systems - by Maxim Schelest (PAYBACK GmbH)
19:45 - 20:00 Break
20:00 - 20:15 Quendu, a new web search engine by Cornelius Siller
20:15 - 20:45 "Building a Search Application with Elastic App Search and Search UI in 30 Minutes" by Markus Klose
20:45: Mingling and hanging out


Tips & Tricks when using the Elastic Stack, Open Tracing and Jeager Tracing for monitoring distributed systems

Distributed IT systems have many caveats. Especially from IT-OPS perspective it is hard to debug such systems. The root cause analysis can be very time consuming. We implemented distributed tracing with Elastic Stack, Open Tracing and Jaeger Tracing. Maxim will talk about the challenges of monitoring and troubleshooting distributed systems, and show how distributed tracing helps us to deal with it.

Building a Search Application with Elastic App Search and Search UI in 30 Minutes

Search applications are more than just a flexible and powerful backend or just a fancy and intuitive user interface. The combination of both makes a really good search experience. Markus will show how you can use Elastic App Search as backend and Search UI as frontend to develop a ready to use Search application within a short amount of time.



Thursday, September 12, 2019
4:30 PM – 8:00 PM UTC

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