Search Meetup Munich: June Edition


Jun 28, 2017, 4:30 – 7:30 PM


About this event

The Munich Search Meetup is all about search technologies. This is the 18th meetup. Our friends at Holidu are so kind to sponsor the event. 


18:30 - 19:00 Gathering

19:00 - 19:45 Holidu: Meta search engine 101 - Building it from scratch 

19:45 - 20:00 Break

20:00 - 20:45 Using Elasticsearch to understand software projects and teams, by Florian Lorétan

20:45 - end: open end & networking

Longer talk descriptions:

Holidu: Meta search engine 101 - Building it from scratch

In comparison to other industries, the vacation rental market is strongly fragmented and thus it is especially hard for the user to find and book the best accommodation. Holidu intends to make it as easy as possible for travellers worldwide to find the right accommodation. For that reason we have built our search engine:
Starting from a two node Elasticsearch 1.5 cluster we have scaled up to 19 nodes running on version 5.4. We manage our own Elasticsearch infrastructure and combine it with other
technologies like PostgreSQL, Redis and Redshift to create custom frameworks for ranking, analytics, logging, monitoring and more.
In this talk we will provide technical insights on how our meta search engine works and how early decisions to be stateless and reactive have helped us scale horizontally from a vision up to 150,000 users a day.

Florian Loretan: Using Elasticsearch to understand software projects and teams

Working in a large agency with flexible teams spread across Europe like, it can be challenging to answer questions like "who could help me with this coding problem?" or "what projects have used similar solutions?". There is a mine of data with all of this information available – our git repositories – but the native format isn't exactly ideal to perform data analysis. Fortunately, exporting that data into Elasticsearch provides a great way to get insights into projects and teams, and to gain a deeper understanding of the software that gets built inside our organization.



Wednesday, June 28, 2017
4:30 PM – 7:30 PM UTC

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