Search Meetup Munich - January Edition


Jan 18, 2018, 5:30 – 9:00 PM


About this event

The Munich Search Meetup is all about search technologies. This is the 22nd meetup, first one in the new year! Holidaycheck was so awesome to offer location, plus snacks and drinks - highly appreciated!

Our Agenda is as follows:

19:00 - 19:30 Andreas Neumann from Holidaycheck will talk about Test Driven Relevance Engineering and how to have a search technology agnostic way of guaranteeing a pleasant and stable search experience for your users
19:30 - 19:45 break
19:45 - 20:15 Marcus from Trakken Web Services will talk about Measuring web searches
20:15 - 20:45 Rob will talk about "Extracting information from unpredictable logs with Grok."
20:45: Mingling and hanging out

Talk abstracts:

Test driven relevance engineering - a search technology agnostic way of guaranteeing a pleasant and stable search experience for your users, covering

- the trias: the query, the data and the application
- relevance engineering and feedback loops
- quantitative and qualitative test approaches
- test driven relevance engineering : example tooling and setup
- further use of tdre: continious deployment and monitoring of search applications
- pitfalls and learnings

Measuring web searches (by Marcus, Digital Analytics Consultant at Trakken Web Services)

Design, relevancy and velocity of web searches are important factors of the user experience. But how to gain data to improve these factors data driven? Google Analytics can be a powerful way to measure the usage. A short introduction in the possibilties to track the user experience of your web search.

Extracting information from unpredictable logs with Grok.

Log formats vary considerably, even with something “standard” like syslog. Rob will show how to use custom Grok patterns to extract useful information from chaotic logs.



Thursday, January 18, 2018
5:30 PM – 9:00 PM UTC

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