How the Elastic stack can be used for outlier detection.

San Francisco

Oct 7, 2020, 4:00 – 5:30 PM

11 RSVPs

About this event

About the talk:

Join us for a joint meetup with Santa Clara-based meetup group, AI in Testing and Testing AI. In this talk we'll explore AirBnB listings, looking for really unusually good deals of where we might like to stay with a group of friends. Come and daydream of a post-pandemic world with us!

A common application of Machine Learning is to build models that can understand what's "normal" and can be ignored, and what is an interesting deviation from the norm we should be worried about - or learn from! The Elastic Stack includes a Machine Learning module which provides you with the infrastructure for running anomaly detection: running jobs, safeguarding data; storing, viewing and visualising the results.

About the speaker:

Emanuil Tolev is a Community Developer Advocate with Elastic, the company behind the open source Elastic Stack (Elasticsearch, APM, Kibana, Beats, Logstash, etc). Emanuil helps support the Elastic community of users and developers by listening carefully, writing demo software and educating developers about search and analytics & visualisation. See more of Emanuil's talks on the Elastic Community YouTube channel.

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