Realtime Reporting of Postgres Query Logs with Elasticsearch and Kibana

Salt Lake City

Apr 26, 2019, 12:03 – 2:03 AM


About this event

We keep an eye out for events where you can learn more about the Elastic Stack. We noticed that there’s an upcoming SLC Postgres Meeting meetup in Lehi, UT that might interest you.

*** Presentation Abstract ***
Learn how to have automated real time reporting of PG query logs. This will help you know which queries to spend time optimizing or which queries are causing the current server spike.

Track all of your queries so you can find your slowest or most run queries in real time using a combination of Postgres, Redis, Elasticsearch, and Kibana.

*** About the Speaker ***
Brian Broderick is a Senior Data Engineer at Podium. Brian codes in Elixir, Ruby, and Golang. Enjoys pushing the limits of database systems. Has fun skiing & hiking. Teaches how to code efficiently and kludge-free.

Please RSVP on the Salt Lake City Postgres event page:



Friday, April 26, 2019
12:03 AM – 2:03 AM UTC

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