Elastic meetup: Managing Growing Elastic Clusters & 6.3 updates

Salt Lake City

Jul 19, 2018, 12:00 – 2:00 AM


About this event

We are looking forward to our next Elastic meetup!

The agenda for the evening is:

6:00pm - doors open, food & beverages will be provided
6:30pm - Talk #1 starts "Elastic Stack 6.3: Ingest updates" by Aaron Mildenstein from Elastic
7:00pm - Talk #2 starts "Using rails and elastic search to analyze million page sites" by Aaron Mefford
7:30pm - Talk #3 starts "How to manage growing Elastic clusters: A multi-cloud/use case deployment story" by Stephen Brown from Elastic
8:00pm - We'll wrap things up

How to manage growing Elastic clusters: A multi-cloud/use case deployment story

Over the years, Elastic has evolved to more than just Elasticsearch. In this session we'll go over the journey of Elastic Stack, the different use cases that grew out of it, and how to manage the stack as the number of use cases and clusters grow in your organization.

What's new in Elastic Stack 6.3: Ingest

6.3 was recently released, and we'll discuss updates to Logstash and Beats like Beats disk spooling, Logstash inter-pipeline communication, monitoring and management, and new filebeat and metricbeat modules.

We are on the lookout for one more speaker from the community to share their Elastic story. If you are interested in speaking, please reach out to **meetups@elastic.co**. We are open to topics and we're happy to brainstorm ideas.



Thursday, July 19, 2018
12:00 AM – 2:00 AM UTC

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