Data Analytics with Elasticsearch in Business Scenario


Mar 25, 2021, 8:00 – 9:00 AM


About this event

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  • Speaker: Ali Akhtar. Ali has had over 10 years of experience at Westpac, Credit Suisse and Standard Chartered. His recent role at Westpac covered responsibility for SIEM, Data Analytics (cyber), Data Transformation, Log Ingestion.

Ali will talk about Data Analytics in general and the business context around Data Analytics. Business context in DA is essential as the techniques and technologies are more or less the same but differences in context delivers completely different information and stats. This will be the first session of meetup series from Ali, at the end of the presentation, Ali will also highlight what to expect from next sessions.

  • Speaker: Mark Puddick, Principal Solution Architect at Elastic.

Mark’s talk will focus on Runtime Fields. Schema on write vs schema on read? This talk will introduce Elasticsearch's new runtime fields, which gives Elasticsearch users the ability add new schema elements after your data has been indexed. We will discuss use cases for runtime fields with some examples of how to use them, along with how to incorporate them into your workflow in Elasticsearch.

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