June Elastic Meetup


Jun 22, 2019, 5:00 – 8:00 AM


About this event

- This is a free event -

Hello Everyone,

We are back with the June Elastic meetup and we have planned awesome sessions with great speakers!

We're planning to have AMA as well. Come join us and ask us all the questions you have on Elastic Stack :)


Talk 1:
Title: What's new with Elasticsearch?
Speaker: Aravind Putrevu

With 6.8 and 7.1, Elastic has reached a significant milestone and released something that you, our community would enjoy learning and playing with. Here are things that I'm going to discuss.

1. Configuring Security with Elasticsearch - Elastic made it free.
2. Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes
3. Few other updates on stack

Talk 2:
Title: Elastic Stack usage at PRGX Global
Speaker: Ashay
User Story / POC in PRGX
1. Why we chose Elastic?
2. Tool chain Setup
3. What we have Achieved?
4. Future Road Map

3. Ask Us Anything and Networking

Thanks and regards,
Pune Elasticsearch Meetup Group

Elastic India Community Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/ElasticIndiaUserGroup/
Products of Elastic : https://www.elastic.co/products
Why it is called Elastic Stack : https://www.elastic.co/elk-stack



Saturday, June 22, 2019
5:00 AM – 8:00 AM UTC

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