Elastic Virtual Meetup #1: Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes


Sep 24, 2019, 6:30 – 7:30 AM


About this event

This is a virtual meetup occurring at 12 PM India Standard time. Just click on the invite link below to join when the time comes! The recording will be available immediately afterward.

Timezone calculator: https://ela.st/virtualmutimezone1
Invite: https://elastic.zoom.us/j/418119768

We will have a talk by Aravind, our developer advocate, followed by an open Q&A session to discuss anything related to Elastic Stack.

⭐Topic: Running Elasticsearch on Kubernetes
Elasticsearch is the world's most popular open-source search engine. Kubernetes (k8s) is the popular container orchestration engine giving developers the flexibility to run all sorts of workloads easily. Elastic launched Elasticsearch k8s operator sometime ago. With this, one can not only run Elasticsearch on k8s but also can launch other Elastic Stack projects like APM Server, help run rolling upgrades, manage data, etc.
This talk is a demo of all the latest features.

��‍�Speaker: Aravind Putrevu, Developer Advocate, Elastic
Aravind works at Elastic as a Developer Advocate and looks after Developer Relations function in India. He has experience working in Cloud Security and Financial Domains. He has an interest in Search and Analytics, Security, IoT and Machine Learning. In his free time, he plays around with a RasPi or Arduino.

�️�We are planning to run regular online meetups, scheduled in the Asia Pacific time zone. We welcome talks on any aspect of data exploration! If you are keen on presenting, just drop us a note or email us at meetups@elastic.co



Tuesday, September 24, 2019
6:30 AM – 7:30 AM UTC

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