Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes: An Introduction

Orange County

Jul 9, 2020, 1:00 – 3:00 AM


About this event

Welcome to First Elastic LA Virtual Meetup, brought to you by our partners at Edlio!

Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) is the preferred way to run the Elastic stack on Kubernetes, with a focus on enabling "day 2" operations. We will go over the key concepts, how to get started, and what to look forward to. Come with questions, there will be plenty of time for Q&A. We'll also have a brief lightening talk from our Los Angeles Elastic User Group Community Organizer, Rich Horace, on using Elasticsearch for a fun, quick project that will help you get organized!

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What's New in Elastic Stack

Lightning Talk: Making Browser History Useful - Rich Horace

Talk: Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes: An Introduction - Anya Sabo


About the Speaker: Anya Sabo is a Principal Software Engineer at Elastic, currently working on ECK and based in Austin, Texas. She is also a Kubernetes contributor and has spent the last few years running stateful applications on Kubernetes.

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