Building a Search Engine with Elastic App Search

Orange County

May 6, 2020, 11:30 PM – May 7, 2020, 12:30 AM


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Presentation: Building a web application to solve a business problem is easy in today's world. But, how about creating an experience that lets your user spend more time on the service. To do that essentially, we need to equip the application with quintessential features like search. Most of the websites like eCommerce, Food Delivery, Social media rely on search. Search is omnipresent and one can't ignore the users searching for something on your website. In this talk, we will primarily, bring up a search engine and build a react based web app within minutes. All, live from the stage let me know if you need anything else.

Speaker: Aravind is passionate about evangelising technology, meeting developers and helping in solving their problems. He is a backend developer and has eight years of development experience. Currently he works at Elastic as Developer Advocate and looks after the Developer Relation function of India. Previously, He worked at McAfee Antivirus as a Sr. Software Engineer in Cloud Security Domain. He has deep interest in Search, Machine Learning, Security Incident Analysis and IoT tech. In his free time, he plays around Raspi or a Arduino.

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