Enabling Full-text Search with Change Data Capture

Los Angeles

Nov 19, 2020, 8:00 – 9:00 PM

37 RSVPs

About this event

Take a legacy application and improve its search functionality with only a few changes to the application itself. Using a technique called change data capture (CDC) we will show how to listen for changes in a database and react to these changes - write to an Elasticsearch index. This is mostly done independently of the original application and its database, reducing the impact it has on the original system.

Speaker: František Hartman is a software engineer with over a decade of experience in developing enterprise applications. His interests include stream processing, data storage, text analysis, graph databases and distributed systems in general. František currently works at Hazelcast in the Jet Integration Team. Frantisek Hartman Linkedin


Elastic Overview (10-15 min)

Presentation (35-40 min)

Wrap-up Q&A 



Thursday, November 19, 2020
8:00 PM – 9:00 PM UTC


  • Rich Horace




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