[Virtual UK-wide meetup] Monitoring: Live Debugging with the Elastic Stack


Jun 24, 2020, 5:00 – 6:00 PM

38 RSVPs

About this event

Join us for tea to talk about web application monitoring! Your app is down. Your users start ranting on Twitter. Your boss is standing right behind you. How do you keep calm and carry on?

This talk walks you through a live debugging session without panicking:

* Where does your monitoring point you?

* Can you get more details from your application's traces?

* Is there anything helpful in the logs?

* What the heck is even deployed?

We are using the Elastic Stack in this demo, going through its ability to hold logs, metrics and traces / App Perf Monitoring data. There will be a special focus on its Kubernetes integration with metadata enrichment and autodiscovery, but the methods are applicable to any app, no matter how it's deployed.

Join for this talk and an informal chat about web application monitoring afterwards at https://elastic.zoom.us/j/9876543999 .


  • Emanuil Tolev


    Community Advocate


  • Emanuil Tolev


    Community Advocate


  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Program Associate

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