Elastic February Meetup at BTPN


Feb 20, 2020, 12:00 – 2:00 PM

134 RSVPs

About this event

Join us for our next meetup in Jakarta! Meet the Elastic Community, learn from our Elasticians on what's the newest in the Elastic Stack, and swap stories and use cases with fellow community members.

Big thanks to BTPN for hosting this meetup!

Talk 1: The Elastic Certification Journey by Nia Aristo, Elastic Certified Engineer at BTPN 

You have been using Elasticsearch and you want to validate your understanding, test your skills and enhance your professional visibility by getting yourself an Elastic Certified Professional badge.

This talk is to give you insights on how to become an Elastic Certified Engineer. The speaker is one of the Elastic certified pioneers and he will share his journey from the preparation phase and how he put all the knowledge together to complete series of challenging, real-world, hands-on tasks over a collection of Elasticsearch clusters.

Talk 2: Introducing Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes by Shelly Yao, Elastic

Few days ago, Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes (ECK) moved out of beta and into general availability! With ECK, users now have a seamless way of deploying, managing, and operating the Elastic Stack on Kubernetes. Find out how you can use the official way to orchestrate Elasticsearch on Kubernetes, to easily deploy, secure, upgrade your Elasticsearch clusters.


Menara BTPN Floor 27 BERANDA

Jl. Dr. Ide Anak Agung Gde Agung Kav 5.5 - 5.6

Jakarta 12950


12:00 PMRegistration
12:30 PMThe Elastic Certification Journey by Nia Aristo, Elastic Certified Engineer at BTPN
1:00 PMIntroducing Elastic Cloud on Kubernetes by Shelly Yao, Elastic
1:30 PMQ&A, Mingling


  • Nia Aristo

    PT Bank BTPN Syariah

    Local Community Organiser

  • fitrah firdaus

    Local Community Organiser

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