[Virtual] Monitoring the COVID-19 Outbreak Using Elastic Stack

Hong Kong

Mar 18, 2020, 8:00 – 9:30 AM


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Topic: Monitoring the COVID-19 Outbreak Using Elastic Stack

Melvyn Peignon, Elastic Education Architect, will be sharing about Kibana, with an example on how to build your own personalized dashboard to track COVID-19 outbreak around the globe, from public data source, of course. In this presentation, you are going to learn how easy it is to index any kind of data in Elasticsearch, transform it using ingest node and then analyzing it using Kibana visualizations, dashboards and maps.

Speaker: Melvyn Peignon, Elastic Education Architect



We are planning to run regular online meetups, scheduled in the Asia Pacific time zone. We welcome talks on any aspect of data exploration! If you are keen in presenting, just drop us a note or email us at meetups@elastic.co

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