Explore Elastic APM, Kibana dashboards & Search_as_you_type


May 21, 2022, 5:00 – 6:45 AM


Beginner FriendlyElastic Stack

About this event

Hi, Elastic Fantastics!

This meetup will cover 3 talks from speakers covering various Elastic use cases. The event details are as follows:  

Session 1:

Title: Winning your next Hackathon with Elastic

Speaker: Mukaram Khaleel

As a 6-time Hackathon winner at Rakuten, I want to build the idea that lost me a hackathon, this is because we didn't use Elastic :( . We are building something unique where we take chemical names and derive new product lines from them, with no animal testing of course! It is done entirely on the ELK stack for under an hour to showcase how easy it is on Elastic.

Session 2:

Title: Monitoring Spring Boot apps with Elastic APM Java Agent

Speaker: Vivek Sridhar

With the Elastic Observability, you can achieve unified observability to:

• Monitor apps using the Elastic APM Java Agent and persistent storage with Azure Spring Cloud.

• Use diagnostic settings to ship Azure Spring Cloud logs to Elastic.

In this session, we will see how to implement a monitoring solution for the spring boot app with an elastic APM agent.

Session 3:

Title: Serve as-you-type completion use case using “search_as_you_type”.

Speaker: Ashish Tiwari (Developer Advocate @ Elastic)

In this talk, Ashish will explain how “Search as you type” works and Quickly set up one demo using some sample data. You must have seen various websites like eCommerce, food apps, etc. where you just start typing & simultaneously relevant options start displaying as suggestions and autocomplete. We will try to achieve somewhat the same feature.


  • Mukaram Khaleel


    Senior Software Engineer

  • Vivek Sridhar


    Senior Cloud Advocate

  • Ashish Tiwari


    Senior Developer Advocate


  • Ashish Tiwari


    Senior Developer Advocate

  • Kawnish Panse


    Community Programs Specialist


  • Jimit Rangras

    Local Community Organizer

  • Bhavin Parmar

    Local Community Organizer

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