Virtual Meetup: Beyond logs and metrics - track down bugs with APM

EMEA Virtual

Apr 2, 2020, 11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

51 RSVPs

About this event

It has been a busy several years in monitoring and observability. Logging solutions are widely deployed, from scp+grep to proper federated logging. Collecting centralised server environment and resources metrics has also matured significantly. In this talk we'll introduce the next layer in this onion - in-depth Application Performance Monitoring (APM). While other parts of the monitoring stack could be described as watchpeople, APM plays much more of a detective role, bringing ever more metrics into increasingly complex UIs to suss out performance bottlenecks.

We'll touch on the history of APM and show a demo of Elastic's APM, hunting down a bug that's tricky to diagnose with logs and metrics alone. We'll also discuss how web tech-driven organisations can get more out of their APM systems with 2 real case studies. We'll finish by discussing vendor-agnostic principles for evaluating your troubleshooting needs and ensuring the tools you use continue to fit your team.

Join the webinar here:



Thursday, April 2, 2020
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM UTC


  • Emanuil Tolev


    Community Advocate


  • Adrienne de Vries


    Community Manager

  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • David Pilato


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Manager

  • Philipp Krenn


    Developer Advocate

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