[Spanish] Observability Data Analytics e-TechDay Barcelona

EMEA Virtual

Nov 19, 2020, 3:00 – 4:30 PM


About this event


The Cloudadmins TechDays (now turned virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic) are educational and networking events organized by Cloudadmins.org and local partners/sponsors. Join our technical experts and the local Cloudadmins Community, learn about relevant use cases, and get into Enterprise Opensource solutions and platforms.

What to expect from this e-TechDay?

4:00pm — Welcome - Jordi Guijarro (Cloudadmins.org)

4:05pm — Infrastructure monitoring with Elastic - Carlos Pérez-Aradros (Elastic.co)

Speaker Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/exekias/

Obtaining real visibility of your systems is increasingly critical, in recent years we have seen how the offer of cloud and container solutions has grown exponentially, and with it the complexity of maintaining a consistent and unified vision of your infrastructure.

In this session we will go through all the options that Elastic offers to go beyond the simple collection of logs, also adding monitoring of metrics, we will go through topics such as:

- Correlation of logs, metrics and APM

- Multi-cloud monitoring

- Kubernetes

- Visualizations and alerts

4.50pm — Wazuh: The Open Source Security Platform - Juan Carlos Tello (Wazuh.com)

Speaker Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/juan-carlos-tello-4a688916b/

Wazuh is a free, open source and enterprise-ready security monitoring solution for threat detection, integrity monitoring, incident response and compliance.

5:20pm — Q&A

This e-TechDay has been co-organized by Elastic (https://www.elastic.co/) , Wazuh (https://wazuh.com/) and Cloud Admins Barcelona (https://www.cloudadmins.org).

Please, note that this event will be conducted in Spanish.

Remember to subscribe to our newsletter here https://www.cloudadmins.org/ and receive the first chapter of our cloudadmins.org book ("Devops y seguridad Cloud")


  • Adrienne de Vries


    Community Manager

  • Carly Richmond


    Developer Advocate

  • David Pilato


    Developer Advocate

  • Naoise Rush


    Community Manager

  • Philipp Krenn


    Developer Advocate

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