Dealing With System Faults In a Critical Healthcare System

EMEA Virtual

Mar 31, 2021, 4:00 – 5:00 PM

35 RSVPs

About this event

Healthcare sector requires urgent intervention and fix to production errors. Coding errors need to be escalated to the right team correctly ASAP. This requires the analysis of the different logs and the prioritization of the issues. Also there is a challenge of being dependent on external systems. The outages need to be correctly reported and escalated and the precautions need to be taken. In the end, even if you think you design the best system, your dependencies can be error prone after all.

Sometimes, there is not even a clear error regarding a service outage even though it performs worse than usual. ElasticSearch allows trend analysis to help teams be aware of the issue before a problem arises.

This session will include an a brief use case of on-premise ELK stack using MetricBeat, Elastic Search, LogStash, Kibana & UpTime. It will mention the key points to build a predictive alarm and escalation system.


  • Okan Celep


    Senior Expert Developer


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    Community Manager

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    Developer Advocate

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    Developer Advocate

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    Community Manager

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