Scale Elasticsearch & APM - Elastic{Meetup} #44 - Lausanne


Jun 11, 2019, 5:00 – 7:00 PM


About this event

# Schedule

• 18:30 Welcome, Networking
• 18:55 Intro
• 19:00 An operational view of Elasticsearch by Guillaume Lederrey
• 19:30 Introduction to Elastic APM by Benjamin Wohlwend
• 20:00 Networking, Beer, Snacks

# Talks

## An operational view of Elasticsearch (How to scale Elasticsearch to the size of Wikipedias) by Guillaume Lederrey (Wikimedia)

If you have not entirely sold your soul to Google, you might have noticed a search box on the top right corner of Wikipedias [0]. You might have even wondered at what's behind it. Spoiler: it's Elasticsearch.

Guillaume is going to give an overview of how full text search works for Wikipedias. You will learn what it takes to make Elasticsearch work for a top 5 website in 200 > languages. From the basic principles of full text search, to the scalability issues of a large site, with stop in how to design a resilient search cluster.

## Introduction to Elastic APM by Benjamin Wohlwend

With the release of the Elastic Stack 6.3, Elastic APM (application performance monitoring) officially joined the growing family of Elastic products. In this talk, we'll have a look at what Elastic APM does, how to set it up, and what new features are available in 6.5. If the demo gods smile upon us, we'll even have a quick look at how to instrument a webapp in practice.

# Bios

## Guillaume Lederrey
After a few years working for various industries in Switzerland, Guillaume decided it was time to redeem his karma. He is now working for Wikimedia Foundation (Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That’s our commitment. [1]). His current work is focused on Site Reliability Engineering for Search [2], Maps[3][4] and Wikidata Query Service [5][6].




Tuesday, June 11, 2019
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


  • Nicolas Ruflin

    Principal Software Engineer I

  • Francois Protopapa

    Senior Solutions Architect

  • Valentin Crettaz


    Principal Consultant

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