Elastic{Lunch} #27 - Zurich


Jul 12, 2017, 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM


About this event

This is the second Elastic{Lunch} we are going to host in Zurich. We will use the Lunch time to get together and openly discuss Elastic topics / questions. adwebster will host the event and will sponsor drinks and coffee. Each person needs to bring its own lunch (Sandwich, Pizza, Kebab, whatever you like).

Be aware that this event is limited to 20 persons. It's first come first serve but we will have a waiting list. So if you reserve your seat and can't come PLEASE make your seat available to someone else.

If you have questions related to the event, please post it in the comments below or drop me a message.



Wednesday, July 12, 2017
10:00 AM – 1:00 PM UTC


  • Nicolas Ruflin

    Principal Software Engineer I

  • Francois Protopapa

    Senior Solutions Architect

  • Valentin Crettaz


    Principal Consultant

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