App Search & Monitoring Swisscom TV - Elastic{Meetup} #49 - Zurich


Dec 5, 2019, 6:00 – 8:00 PM

30 RSVPs

About this event


This meetup will be hosted by Swisscom (Pfingstweidstrasse 51 · Zürich, ZH

# Schedule

• 19:00 Welcome, Networking
• 19:15 Intro
• 19:20 Talk 1 Building a Search Application with Elastic App Search by Markus Klose
• 19:50 Talk 2 Monitoring Redefined for Swisscom TV with Elastic Stack by Ginu Kalangara
• 20:20 Networking, Beer, Snacks


Talk 1 Building a Search Application with Elastic App Search by Markus Klose

Search applications are more than just a flexible and powerful backend or just a fency and intuitive user interface. The combination of both makes a really good search experience.
I will show how you can use Elastic App Search as backend and Search UI as frontend to develop a ready to use Search application within a short amount of time.

Talk 2 Monitoring Redefined for Swisscom TV with Elastic Stack by Ginu Kalangara

Monitoring challenges in our 24x7x365 running Swisscom TV Services:
Where the Elastic shines for our needs and what we think could be improved in future releases

We hope to see you all there!



Thursday, December 5, 2019
6:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • Nicolas Ruflin

    Principal Software Engineer I

  • Francois Protopapa

    Senior Solutions Architect

  • Valentin Crettaz


    Principal Consultant

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