Elasticsearch - South Africa Inaugural Meetup!

South Africa

Mar 25, 2015, 5:00 – 8:00 PM


About this event

Hello Meetup members,

I am pleased to announce the founding of the Elasticsearch - South Africa Meetup Group.

Elasticsearch is an extremely powerful open source tool that is easy to use, and provides realtime search and analytics on massive datasets. Unlike many search tools it is designed from the ground up to be scalable, and easy to integrate, making it ideal for modern application environment.

The objective of this group is to provide anyone that is interested in the rapidly growing search/data analytics space, a forum to discuss Elasticsearch, and how it can deliver significant value in a range of projects.

We are about to kick this off with our 1st meetup in Johannesburg next week! So make sure to block the date in your agendas and bring your friends and colleagues along!


7pm: Snacks and drinks

7:30 What's new in Elasticsearch 2.0 - Clinton Gormley (Lead Elasticsearch Team)

Bio: Clinton was the first user of Elasticsearch and wrote the Perl API back in 2010. He is a co-author of Elasticsearch: The Definitive Guide, and spends most of his time designing the user interface, specifying new features, and triaging GitHub issues. He studied medicine at UCT in Cape Town and now lives in Barcelona.

Abstract: Elasticsearch is growing up! In this talk, Clint will share coming improvements to resiliency, updates to our API and changes that will dramatically improve ease of use. Our first steps are some incremental changes under the hood, and you'll learn all about how these subtle improvements are paving the way for even bigger and better things in the 2.x branch.

8:00 Leveraging the ELK stack to ensure API uptime (Jurgens du Toit)

Bio: Jurgens is a long time internet enthusiast who can't stop coding. He's busy exploring the ins and outs of of Elasticsearch when ever he can.

Abstract: The ELK stack can be used for so much more than search. At Tutuka we use it to track API performance and to monitor incoming financial transactions. This short talk is a guided tour on how data about our APIs flows into Tutuka, is sent to Elasticsearch, and is analyzed using various techniques.

8:20 Some more drinks and networking

I am looking forward to meeting you all!




Wednesday, March 25, 2015
5:00 PM – 8:00 PM UTC


  • Timothy Brophy


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