Elastic SA Meetup

South Africa

Oct 19, 2017, 4:00 – 7:00 PM


About this event

Hi! The next Elastic SA Meetup will take place on the 19th of October 2017 at 18:00.

The event will be held at Investec in Sandton, and will feature great content presented by great speakers.

This event has limited seating, so please RSVP to secure your spot. We also ask that if your plans change and you are not able to attend, please remove your RSVP on the Meetups page or drop us a comment to let us know.

Here is some more info on our speakers for the Meetup:

• "Automated Cluster Deployment" - Steven Carter, Senior Developer/Engineer at Standard Bank
Steven has been with the Elasticsearch team just over a year, specializing in automation engineering across all our ES environments using Chef, Ansible and Docker (and enjoys long walks on the beach :))

• "Think Elastic is just for logging? Here are 3 finance use cases." - Aatish Ramkaran, JSE.
Think again. Elastic may have begun as a friendly logging framework, but has evolved into a sophisticated platform that goes far beyond its roots. Join Aatish Ramkaran, Technology Research Architect at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange as he takes you through 3 innovative financial service use cases for this powerful stack."

Aatish Ramkaran is a veteran solution architect who has been described as 'contagiously passionate'. He thrives on discovering innovative solutions to complex problems, and has been automating, integrating and enhancing financial services for the better part of a decade. He currently fulfills a strategic technology research role and has been designing prototype FinTech solutions based on cloud technologies and microservice principles. Over the past two years, he’s been exposed to Innovation tooling and the Design Thinking methodology, and actively uses these techniques for individual and group ideation as well as concept development. He is generally found waving his arms near whiteboards and coffee machines at the Johannesburg Stock Exchange. Follow Aatish on Twitter: @aatishrZA

Snacks and drinks will be provided at the venue. If you have any questions, please comment on the Meetup event, send an email to us, or send us something via our Facebook page.

We look forward to seeing you all there!



Thursday, October 19, 2017
4:00 PM – 7:00 PM UTC


  • Timothy Brophy


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