Talk ES Performance

San Francisco

Feb 3, 2016, 2:30 – 5:30 AM


About this event


6:15 doors

6:45 first speaker

7:00(ish) 2nd speaker

7:30(ish) main speaker


main speaker:

Elasticsearch capabilities allow content repositories to scale to the sky. how we leverage Elasticsearch capabilities to make our content repository scale to the sky while still relying on standard SQL-based technologies and ensuring data security and integrity.

We will describe the inherent limitations faced with the SQL technologies, and why a plain NoSQL approach is not enough. We will also review the reasons that led us to choose a hybrid Elasticsearch/PgSQL architecture.

Technical challenges behind the integration will be explained. For this hybrid architecture to work in real life, we had to implement new solutions. Thierry Delprat will share some impressive benchmark results as well as real feedback from projects and users.

The baseline presentation is available online:

Key Takeaways:

Elasticsearch is a great solution to offload queries from SQL databases

How to avoid consistency issues with the integration

How hybrid solutions like pgSQL + Elasticsearch allow to manage a huge amount of data and queries without sacrificing data consistency

Technical requirements for a successful integration


Michael joined Nuxeo in 2013 as a Solution Architect. More specifically, he helps prospective customers in designing and implementing mission critical applications using the Nuxeo Platform. Prior to joining Nuxeo, Michael worked for over 5 years at Logica as a Business Analyst.


2nd speaker:

Containerized Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana (ELK) on Docker

Stephen will discuss concepts of Docker and how the architecture of the ELK stack fits in. He will walk through what an ELK stack looks like on a single Docker host and what it looks like when managing ELK across a cluster of host machines using Docker Swarm. If you are interested in how to manage ELK in containers, this is a great introductory dive.

Stephen Nguyen

Stephen Nguyen is a developer evangelist for ClusterHQ, the makers of docker data management tool, Flocker. He was previously at Stephen programs in Ruby, Node, and dabbles in Go. He is no stranger to developer communities as a organizer in several developer meetup communities in San Francisco. @Stephenitis


baby speaker: "Doc values performance with text aggregations", Mik Kocikowski. Will compare against "old school" aggregations on analyzed text blobs.


Anyone else wants to speak? Contact me.



Wednesday, February 3, 2016
2:30 AM – 5:30 AM UTC

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