Not all Nodes are Created Equal - Scaling Elasticsearch

San Francisco

Jan 15, 2015, 3:00 – 6:00 AM


About this event

• 6:30 PM-7:00 PM- Food/Drinks mingling

• 7PM Chris Pomeroy from  Google Cloud: "Demo of Elasticsearch Click to Deploy on Google Compute Engine" 

• 7:20ish Boaz Leskes /Kurt Hurtado: "Not all Nodes are Created Equal - Scaling Elasticsearch"

•  7:40ish Antoine Girbal: "ELK overview and demo, with introduction of Kibana 4 and Shield security plugin"

• 8ish Q&A with speakers

• 8:30 take leftovers home

#1 "Demo of Elasticsearch Click to Deploy on Google Compute Engine"

Abstract: Click to Deploy is a feature of Google Compute Engine enabling developers to get started using Elasticsearch and other popular open source software.  Anyone can launch an Elasticsearch cluster using this feature to enable evaluation, testing, and to learn more about Elasticsearch and Google Cloud Platform concepts.

Bio: Chris Pomeroy is a member of the Google Cloud Platform engineering team.

#2 "Not all Nodes are Created Equal - Scaling Elasticsearch"- Boaz Leskes and Kurt Hurtado 

Abstract: Elasticsearch is famous for being easy to set up and for having good defaults. A single node can go a long way and a handful of nodes will deliver a surprising punch. However, there comes a point where generic defaults become less than ideal and cluster architecture starts to matter. In this session, we will talk about capacity planning and custom setups suitable for large Elasticsearch deployments. 

Bios: Boaz Leskes is an Elasticsearch core developer, Lead developer of Elasticsearch Marvel and the author of Sense, the popular front end for Elasticsearch. Boaz's background is diverse, ranging from C++ to C#,Python and Java and sometimes even Javascript. Rumor has it that he has also done Lisp at some point in the past. Based in Amsterdam, he's a fan of faceting, Lucene, monitoring and search. 

Kurt Hurtado is a Logstash developer based in Los Altos, CA. He has been working with Elasticsearch and Logstash for many years and thrives on building excellent architectures based on the ELK stack for customers and internal to Elasticsearch. Prior to Elasticsearch, Kurt has performed various development and operations roles in startups as well as large enterprises.

#3: "ELK overview and demo, with introduction of Kibana 4 and Shield security plugin"

Abstract: Join us for this ELK overview and live demo! We will touch on the many advantages of our stack for various use cases like Search and Logging Analytics. There will be a special emphasis on new components like the newly redesigned Kibana 4 as well as the Shield security plugin. Users already familiar with ELK concepts will be welcome to ask any technical questions to make this session as interactive as possible.

Bio: Antoine is part of the Solutions Architecture team at Elasticsearch, helping users build solutions using the most innovative and advanced open source distributed search engine. He previously worked at MongoDB where he held a variety of roles since the early days of NoSQL, from core database developer to Principal Solutions Engineer. He also spent many years in the CDN industry, at Panther CDN then CDNetworks, designing and developing one of the largest and fastest Content Delivery and Application Acceleration Network still in production today. 



Thursday, January 15, 2015
3:00 AM – 6:00 AM UTC

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