Meet and talk @ Iterable

San Francisco

Jun 6, 2015, 1:30 – 4:30 AM


About this event

929 Market St, 5th floor, door code: #3030

Food @6:30, then talks. Elasticsearch devs will be present to answer questions. 

Justin Zhu will share how Iterable uses Elastic as a contact database in multi-tenant Software-as-a-Service environment and challenges faced scaling with customers from startups to public companies.

Shaunak Kashyap from Elastic will talk about new Elasticsearch feature, the watcher:

Watcher is a newly-released product that provides alerting and notifications for Elasticsearch. With Watcher, building simple alerts based on changes in your data is no more complex than building a Elasticsearch query. It enables notifications via email or webhook for log data (e.g. >100 errors in 30 minutes), machine metrics (e.g. CPU usage > 70% for 10 minutes), business domain events (e.g. >20 tweets in 30 seconds mentioning "earthquake") or even monitoring Elasticsearch cluster health.

If you want to do a lightning talk, please get in touch. Lightning talkers:

Amir Kibbar: "My plugin helps developers install, start and stop ElasticSearch during a gradle build. The purpose of this plugin is to help with integration tests – where you might want to start an ElasticSearch, test your code, and stop everything. Here’s a link to the plugin on GitHub: It’s available for download from bintray:



Saturday, June 6, 2015
1:30 AM – 4:30 AM UTC

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