Heavy Lifting: How HipChat Scaled to 1 Billion Messages

San Francisco

Nov 19, 2013, 2:30 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Atlassian's HipChat is hosting this meetup! Thank you!

Who is speaking: Zuhaib Siddique, HipChat Infrastructure Engineer. Zuhaib will discuss how HipChat uses Elasticsearch in its infrastructure to provide near real-time search and chat history to the hundreds of thousands of active chatters using HipChat. He will cover some of the issues we've overcome using elasticsearch with AWS and CouchDB.

Directions to the Venue. The Event will be held at Atlassian's Dev Den. The location is 90 Sherman St @Harrison (Google map). There is metered street parking available. 


• 6:00 'open source' beer + pizza

• 6:30 lightning talks & demos if we can round up some people 

• 6:45 main speaker

• mingle, exercise 1337 geek social skillz



Tuesday, November 19, 2013
2:30 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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