Elasticsearch: when to host on premise and when to turn to SaaS + 6.0 is coming

San Francisco

Nov 3, 2017, 1:00 – 4:00 AM


About this event

Join us for our upcoming meetup on Thursday, November 2nd.  Thank you to Stitch Fix for hosting us!

The agenda for the evening is: 

6:00 p.m. - Doors open: Food & beverages will be provided 

6:30 p.m. - Talk #1 starts: Elasticsearch: when to host on premise and when to turn to SaaS

7:00 p.m. - Lightning Talk #1 starts: NLP plugins developed to enrich the Elasticsearch engine and your search experience

7:15 p.m. - Talk #2 starts: 6.0 is coming 

8:00 - 8:30 p.m. - We'll wrap things up. 

NLP plugins developed to enrich the Elasticsearch engine and your search experience

In this 15min lightening talk, Jeanne will give a quick demo of 2 new NLP plugins developed to enrich the Elasticsearch engine and your search experience. 

The Identity Resolution plugin for Elasticsearch and the open-source Document Enrichment plugin enable to: 

Triage your documents by adding filtering options: category, sentiment, entity, language... 

Match a person with the correct customer record, inpatient file or guest booking 

Get information from your document that a simple keyword search could not give you

Fuzzy name matching in latin and cross script. 

Rosette Text Analytics is a full stack of natural language processing features helping companies, data scientists, linguists, and business analysts make the right decisions based on the right information, whatever the language. Mine your documents or data and reveal their most valuable hidden information with sentiment analysis, categorization, entity extraction and resolution, fuzzy identity matching and enterprise grade morphological tools.  

Jeanne is Basis Technology Partner and Academic Programs Manager and has been working with the Elastic team for 3 years. Basis Technology partners with system integrators and software providers around the world to embed advanced text analytics in search and AI applications

Elasticsearch: when to host on premise and when to turn to SaaS

You've been tasked with building a logging/streaming/text search product. You know you want to use Elasticsearch, but do you host on premise, or do you go for the cloud? The decision depends much on the use cases for the product, the resources of the company, the project time-frame and the strengths of your team. Drawing on my extensive experience with on-premise Elasticsearch at Loggly, and more recently, using AWS's hosted Elasticsearch at Stitch Fix (which I wrote about in this article: https://read.acloud.guru/things-you-should-know-before-using-awss-elasticsearch-service-7cd70c9afb4f), I'll discuss the pros and cons of each option and explain in which cases hosted Elasticsearch makes sense and when Elasticsearch as a service is the way to go.

Liz Bennett has specialized in the realm of Big Data and infrastructure since 2013. She got her start working on the News Feed at LinkedIn, then moved on to Loggly, a popular SaaS based log management company. There she was an integral member of the infrastructure team building their massive Kafka and Elasticsearch backed log processing pipeline. Now, she is a member of Stitch Fix's Data Infrastructure team where she is leading efforts to expand their streaming, logging and data integration capabilities.

6.0 is coming

To help our awesome community prepare we will be doing a run through of the major changes that will land with the Elastic Stack in 6.0.

We have things like rolling-major version upgrades, even more Lucene data structure optimizations, sequence IDs, saying farewell to _types, dashboard modes, automated cluster alerts, Logstash pipelines and a pipeline viewer, Beats integration with kubernetes and a whole raft of new Beats modules.

Our Pioneer Program also makes a return, so if you are already using the beta releases of the stack and are submitting issues, you're a winner!

Christoph Wurm is a Solutions Architect at Elastic living in San Francisco. He spends most of his time working with users and customers of the Elastic Stack while alternating between the different coffee roasters the city has to offer (but green tea is good as well).



Friday, November 3, 2017
1:00 AM – 4:00 AM UTC

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