Elasticsearch from the bottom up

San Francisco

Oct 31, 2014, 2:00 – 5:00 AM


About this event

Please see bottom for agenda, doors open 6:30, close 7:30! The meetup is on the ground floor, you can't miss it. 

Njal Karevoll (co-founder and senior software engineer at Found) will speak about 'Elasticsearch from the bottom up'. Since his company is "Found" and the meetup is on "Search", aggressive punning will be encouraged. 

We will also have Supreet Oberoi from Concurrent: 

"Supreet Oberoi is the Vice President of Field Engineering at Concurrent. Prior, as the Director of Big Data application infrastructure for American Express, he led the development of use cases for fraud, operational risk, marketing and privacy on Big Data platforms. He is a holder of multiple patents in data engineering and has also had leadership roles at Real-Time Innovations, Oracle and Microsoft. 

Supreet will be presenting on "Large scale log processing with Cascading & Elastic Search". Elasticsearch is becoming a popular platform for log analysis with its ELK stack: Elasticsearch for search, Logstash for centralized logging, and Kibana for visualization. Complemented with Cascading, the application development platform for building Data applications on Apache Hadoop, developers can correlate at scale multiple log and data streams to perform rich and complex log processing before making it available to the ELK stack. 

Join Supreet Oberoi from Concurrent, the people behind Cascading, as he explains how Cascading enables efficient and robust development of data-applications for Hadoop. In addition, he will talk about the challenges in operationalizing large-scale log processing applications on which businesses can depend."

Andrew Selden from Elasticsearch with do q&a.

USF has agreed to host the meetup, thank you! Our hosts asked that there be no alcohol at the meetup - so there will be food, but no free beer; and please don't sneak in your own! 

• 6:30 doors open 

• 7:00 announcements etc 

• 7:10 first speaker 

• 7:30 DOORS CLOSE! 

• 7:40 break 

• 7:45 second speaker 

• 8:15 general q&a, mingling 

• 8:45 everyone leaves



Friday, October 31, 2014
2:00 AM – 5:00 AM UTC

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