Autodesk @ Techshop!

San Francisco

Feb 5, 2015, 2:30 – 5:30 AM


About this event

Autodesk is hosting this meetup at the Tech Shop! (awesome!!) As usual, some ES devs will be on site for Q&A.

• Chris Willetts and Mike Haley from Autodesk will talk about their use of ES, see details below

• (Andrew Swan) will talk about dataflow analytics with ES

• Elasticsearch engineers available for Q&A

Chris Willetts, Sr. Principal Engineer, Autodesk Cloud Platforms.  Chris has worked on many of the core cloud technologies at Autodesk and has been the technical lead of the core search platform for the last 4 years.

Autodesk uses ElasticSearch to connect customers with their design and engineering data. Users can search into CAD models and related project data. The search experience is tied in with a zero-client web viewer that displays hits within the 2D or 3D design. Chris will lead a discussion on the use of ElasticSearch in the Autodesk stack.

Mike Haley leads the Emerging Products & Technologies group at Autodesk where his team researches and develops disruptive technologies that improve how Autodesk’s customers design the world. Recently his team has been focused on applying Machine Learning approaches to design information.

Mike will be demonstrating some of the innovations Autodesk will be including in future products that enhance and extend the overall search experience for design. This includes shape searching and auto-categorization (basically learning what an object semantically ‘is’).  

Andrew Swan, principal architect of Jut

Using ElasticSearch to build a dataflow analytics system
ElasticSearch is a really powerful tool, so the folks at Jut decided to put it to work within their dataflow analytics platform designed for devops. Jut merges the ability to deal with streaming and historical data sets of both metric data and log data in high-level, and flexible way.
Andrew Swan, principal architect of Jut, will lead the discussion. Some of the topics we'll cover include:- The experience of integrating elastic search into our product- Dealing with a firehose of live data- How did Jut deal with metrics?- What problems did we run into with ES? 



Thursday, February 5, 2015
2:30 AM – 5:30 AM UTC

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